
Posted on Sun 22 August 2021 in Journal

  • 带宽 Bandwidth (B): Video bandwidth (amount of bits per second generated by the video).

  • 摄像头细节属性 Camera detail properties (DC ): Constant reflecting the camera capacity to retain scene details.

  • 摄像头运动成本 Camera motion cost (MC): This is a temporary variable modeling the camera encoder capacity to encode motion.

  • 摄像头噪声 Camera noise (NC ): Constant indicating the amount of noise in the camera.

  • 压缩 Compression: Temporary variable indicating how much information the video was configured to lose.

  • 动态范围因子 Dynamic range factor (DR): Indicates if the video is using high dynamic range (HDR) or similar technology.

  • 帧率 Frame rate (FPS): Number of frames per second of the video.

  • 帧尺寸 Frame size (F): Average frame size. This value is provided in kilobits per second (kb/s).

  • Group of pictures (GOP): Number of frames between two consecutive Iframes.

  • Height (h): Number of pixels in the shortest image plane (usually y axis).

  • I-frame size (I): Size of I-frames. This value is provided in kilobits per second (kb/s).

  • I-frame size constant (Ic): Temporary constant for I-frame size (only used for didactic explanation).

  • I-frame details size (Idetails): Temporary constant for I-frame size (only used for didactic explanation).

  • I-frame noise size (Inoise): Temporary constant for I-frame size (only used for didactic explanation).

  • Motion encoder efficiency (MEC ): Encoder related constant which reflects the ability of the encoder to efficiently encode moving objects.

  • Motion level (ML): Part of the image that is expected to be moving.

  • Nature factor (NF ): Amount of nature (trees, bushes, grass, etc.) present in the scene.

  • P-frame size (P): Size of P-frames. This value is provided in kilobits per second (kb/s).

  • P-frame size constant (Pc): Temporary constant for P-frame size (only used for didactic explanation).

  • P-frame details size (Pdetails): Temporary constant for P-frame size (only used for didactic explanation).

  • P-frame noise size (Pnoise): Temporary constant for P-frame size (only used for didactic explanation).

  • QP: Compression parameter defined in the H.264 standard.

  • ∆QP: Difference between the QP used and the reference

  • QP used during measurement of some needed constants.

  • Reference frame rate (F P Sref ): Number of frames per second used as reference during measurement of some needed constants.

  • Reference QP: Compression parameter used during measurement of some needed constants (see QP).

  • Resolution: We consider resolution as the number of points (pixels) in the image.

  • Scene detail level (DS): Constant indicating the amount of detail in the scene.

  • Scene illumination (L): Constant indicating the luminance (amount of light) in the scene.

  • Size of Average Object (SAO): This metric reflects the expected distance of an object in the image.

  • Width (w): Number of pixels in the longest image plane (usually x axis).
