Audio Technique Overview

Posted on Sun 29 May 2016 in audio • Tagged with audio

Audio Technique Overview

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find and grep by python

Posted on Tue 24 May 2016 in Tips • Tagged with python, tips

python for batch

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Huffman Coding

Posted on Fri 09 October 2015 in Memo • Tagged with journal, blog

Learning Minute

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Learn RFC 3515 for SIP Refer method

Posted on Thu 27 August 2015 in Journal • Tagged with journal, blog

Daily minute

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A glance of Fabric

Posted on Wed 26 August 2015 in tips • Tagged with python, fabric

A glance of Fabric

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GIT top ten tips

Posted on Tue 09 June 2015 in tips • Tagged with git, tips

How to use git

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Service Frameworkd Design Minutes

Posted on Tue 19 May 2015 in Programming • Tagged with framework

Service Framework Design

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用 Pelican 打造你的个人主页二

Posted on Mon 06 April 2015 in minute • Tagged with pelican, github

Build you home page by Pelican

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用 Pelican 打造你的个人主页一

Posted on Sun 05 April 2015 in minute • Tagged with pelican, github

Build you home page by Pelican

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UDP client by Netty

Posted on Fri 03 April 2015 in programming • Tagged with netty, java

UDP client by Netty

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Generic CRUD framework

Posted on Sat 21 March 2015 in Programming • Tagged with crud, ibatis, hibernate

Generic CRUD framework

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Learn backbone 2nd

Posted on Tue 10 March 2015 in Programming • Tagged with backbone, web

Learning minutes of backbone

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Learn backbone 1st

Posted on Mon 09 March 2015 in Programming • Tagged with backbone, web

Learning minutes of backbone

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Django Review 1st

Posted on Thu 05 March 2015 in Programming • Tagged with python, django

Django review from begining

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Install Apache, MySQL and PHP on MAC OSX

Posted on Thu 05 March 2015 in Programming • Tagged with nodejs

Learn node.js from begining

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jQuery Review

Posted on Thu 05 March 2015 in Programming • Tagged with web, jquery

jQuery Review for Ajax

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NodeJS Learning minutes 1st

Posted on Thu 05 March 2015 in Programming • Tagged with nodejs

Learn node.js from begining

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Read book as SQ3R

Posted on Mon 02 March 2015 in Memo • Tagged with pragmatic

memo for pragmatic thinking

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Meeting English

Posted on Sat 28 February 2015 in English • Tagged with english, meeting

Frequent sentences in meeting in English

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WebRTC Offer

Posted on Mon 16 February 2015 in Programming • Tagged with webrtc, sdp

Daily minute

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