
Posted on Fri 21 May 2021 in Journal


在"得到"上听到一句话 - “企业最大的浪费是经验的浪费”,深以为然。中外都有这样的企业,蔑视企业成功所走过的成功之路,抛弃既往的经验和文化,结果造成了极大的人力和财力的浪费。




老产品成功的经验不能丢弃,用户喜欢的那些亮点不能丢弃,吃过的亏不能白吃, 踩过的坑不能再踩一回,那些发现并修复的 bug 都是宝贵的财富,成功地设计和开发一款新的产品必须要继往开来,推陈出新并不意味着把犯过的错误再犯一遍。


The Principles Underpining Devops - Gene Kim

  1. System Thinking 系统思考
  2. Amplify Feedback Loop 强化反馈环
  3. Culture of continual Experimentation And Learning 持续尝试和学习的文化

OODA: 4 innovation steps - Adrian Cockcroft from Netflix

  1. Observe: 观察现状以发现潜在的创新点
  2. Orient: 通过分析测量数据以理解之前观察到的现象的背后原因
  3. Decide: 推动,开发和执行一个项目计划
  4. Act: 实验和测试解决方案并将其部署到生产环境


WebRTC 的 ICE state 有以下五种

ICE state

enum RTCIceTransportState {

Q. ICE connection state 变为 disconnected 怎么处理?

A. The ICE Agent has determined that connectivity is currently lost for this RTCIceTransport. This is a transient state that may trigger intermittently (and resolve itself without action) on a flaky network. The way this state is determined is implementation dependent.

Examples include:

  • Losing the network interface for the connection in use.
  • Repeatedly failing to receive a response to STUN requests.

Alternatively, the RTCIceTransport has finished checking all existing candidates pairs and not found a connection (or consent checks [RFC7675] once successful, have now failed), but it is still gathering and/or waiting for additional remote candidates.

一言以蔽之,这种连通性检查在不稳定的网络中可能是间歇性的,可自恢复的,让子弹飞一会儿,如果在传输通道上没有数据传输,很长时间没办法恢复为连接状态,才需要 restart


  • (Not a) spring chicken 老大不小;不再年轻
  • All fur coat and no knickers/ˈnɪkərz/ 华而不实
  • Beauty is only skin deep 美貌是肤浅的,美貌不过一张皮
  • Clean up nicely 打扮的很漂亮
  • Dead ringer/ˈrɪŋər/ 相像之人;相像之物
  • Don’t judge a book by its cover 勿只凭外表判断;不能以貌取人
  • Knockout/ˈnɑːkaʊt/ 引人注目(或给人留下深刻印象)的人(或物)
  • Put one’s face on 化妆
  • All dressed up and nowhere to go 打扮整齐却无处可去