father-in-law passed away

Posted on Tue 28 February 2023 in Journal

Abstract Journal on 2023-02-28
Authors Walter Fan
 Category    learning note  
Status v1.0
Updated 2023-02-28
License CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0



回想起和岳父的相处,虽然交流不多,但忘不了他给过我的默默支持和帮助. 其实对岳父我并不很了解,他是一名转业军人, 曾经做过煤球厂的书记,生了两个优秀的女儿. 老爷子七十五年的一生, 经历了建国以来的的历次苦难, 挨过饿, 扛过枪, 修过飞机, 虽然得了三十来年类风湿性关节炎, 可是手很巧, 烧的菜也很好吃. 不知道他对我这个女婿的评价如何,我猜想他对我的最大期望应该就是善待他的女儿和外孙子,给她们幸福的一生.

My father-in-law passed away after enduring two months of breathlessness, loss of appetite, and significant weight loss. He was a silent, proud, fastidious, and somewhat eccentric old man. On a Saturday evening, he finally found relief from his suffering and left this world forever, leaving behind no last words. By the time I saw him for the last time, he was already unconscious and passed away two days after being admitted to the ICU. I wonder what he would have said if he could speak during his final moments.

I lost my father when I was young and now I have lost this man whom I called "dad" for the last twenty years. Despite his reserved nature, he never spoke harsh words to me. He loaned me money to buy a house, helped me take care of my children, and I have done my best to be a filial son-in-law. I hope he can rest in peace on his journey to the netherworld. As his wife and daughter, I will take care of them and look forward to the day when we will reunite in heaven.

Life, death, and illness are natural phenomena that we cannot avoid. The most important thing is to be able to say goodbye to the world with an open heart, to suffer as little as possible, and to have the company and comfort of our loved ones. I believe that the soul lives on, and that traditions can be passed down from generation to generation.

In truth, I did not know my father-in-law well. He was a retired soldier and once served as a secretary in a coal mine. He raised two outstanding daughters, and despite experiencing numerous hardships throughout his seventy-five years of life, including hunger and gun-wielding, he was a skilled and talented man who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for thirty years. Nevertheless, he had dexterous hands and cooked delicious food. I am not sure what he thought of me as his son-in-law, but I hope that his greatest expectation was for me to take good care of his daughters and grandchildren and give them a happy life.

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