
Posted on Mon 10 May 2021 in Journal


读书要读经典,经典的书籍值得一读再读。图书馆,书店里各种书籍汗牛充栋,读一百本平庸之作不如读一百遍经典, 在计算机书籍中以下这几本无疑就是这样的经典之作。

  • "The Art of Computer Programming"计算机程序设计的艺术的四卷本

  • “Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture” 面向模式的软件架构五卷本

  • “Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective” 深入理解计算机系统

还有其他一些,比如 * "Design Pattern" * "Unix Network Programming" 系列 * "TCP/IP Illustrated" 系列 * "Effective C++" 系列 * "Java Concurrency in Practice"

国人写的经典不多, 我自己也写过一本,感觉还是钻研较真的精神不够,这几本我觉得不错 * "Java 与模式" - 阎宏 * "Linux多线程服务端编程 使用muduo C++网络库" - 陈硕

上述这些是我翻过的,一家之言,难免以偏概全。 这个github 仓库有一些电子版本的 https://github.com/niudai/How-to-be-a-good-programmer, 经典的书籍如果有纸质版本的还是要买一本的。


The power to guess the unseen from the seen, to trace the implications of things, to judge the whole piece by the pattern .. the cluster of gifts may almost be said to constitute experience - Henry James, Jr.


  • Follows of Judaism are called Jews

  • Sneezing and fever are examples of how the immune system works

  • Have they found the wreckage yet?

  • The immune sysetm protects the body against infections and diseases.