
Interactive Connectivity Establishment


Walter Fan


WIP as draft




As described in [RFC5128] and [RFC4787], hole punching techniques will fail if both hosts are behind NATs that are not well behaved.

For example, if both hosts are behind NATs that have a mapping behavior of “address-dependent mapping” or “address- and port- dependent mapping” (see Section 4.1 of [RFC4787]), then hole punching techniques generally fail.

TURN (Traversal Using Relays around NAT), that allows a host behind a NAT (called the “TURN client”) to request that another host (called the “TURN server”) act as a relay. The client can arrange for the server to relay packets to and from certain other hosts (called “peers”), and the client can control aspects of how the relaying is done.

If TURN is used with ICE [RFC8445], then the relayed transport address and the IP addresses and ports of the peers are included in the ICE candidate information that the rendezvous protocol must carry.

TURN specs


  • Server-Reflexive Transport Address: A transport address on the “external side” of a NAT.

This address is allocated by the NAT to correspond to a specific host transport address.

  • Allocation:

The relayed transport address granted to a client through an Allocate request, along with related state, such as permissions and expiration timers.

  • Channel:

A channel number and associated peer transport address. Once a channel number is bound to a peer’s transport address, the client and server can use the more bandwidth-efficient ChannelData message to exchange data.

  • Permission:

The IP address and transport protocol (but not the port) of a peer that is permitted to send traffic to the TURN server and have that traffic relayed to the TURN client. The TURN server will only forward traffic to its client from peers that match an existing permission.

Basic flow

                                    Peer A
                                    Server-Reflexive    +---------+
                                    Transport Address   |         |
                             |         |
                                        |              /|         |
                      TURN              |            / ^|  Peer A |
   Client's           Server            |           /  ||         |
   Host Transport     Transport         |         //   ||         |
   Address            Address           |       //     |+---------+     |+-+  //     Peer A
           |            |               ||N| /       Host Transport
           |   +-+      |               ||A|/        Address
           |   | |      |               v|T|
           |   | |      |               /+-+
+---------+|   | |      |+---------+   /              +---------+
|         ||   |N|      ||         | //               |         |
| TURN    |v   | |      v| TURN    |/                 |         |
| Client  |----|A|-------| Server  |------------------|  Peer B |
|         |    | |^      |         |^                ^|         |
|         |    |T||      |         ||                ||         |
+---------+    | ||      +---------+|                |+---------+
               | ||                 |                |
               | ||                 |                |
               +-+|                 |                |
                  |                 |                |
                  |                 |                |
         Client's                   |             Peer B
         Server-Reflexive     Relayed             Transport
         Transport Address    Transport Address   Address

                               Figure 1

TURN, as defined in this specification, always uses UDP between the server and the peer.

However, this specification allows the use of any one of UDP, TCP, Transport Layer Security (TLS) over TCP, or Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) over UDP to carry the TURN messages between the client and the server.

| TURN client to TURN server | TURN server to peer |
|            UDP             |         UDP         |
|            TCP             |         UDP         |
|        TLS-over-TCP        |         UDP         |
|       DTLS-over-UDP        |         UDP         |

                      Table 1


TURN                                 TURN          Peer         Peer
client                               server         A            B
  |-- Allocate request --------------->|            |            |
  |   (invalid or missing credentials) |            |            |
  |                                    |            |            |
  |<--------------- Allocate failure --|            |            |
  |              (401 Unauthenticated) |            |            |
  |                                    |            |            |
  |-- Allocate request --------------->|            |            |
  |               (valid credentials)  |            |            |
  |                                    |            |            |
  |<---------- Allocate success resp --|            |            |
  |            (      |            |            |
  //                                   //           //           //
  |                                    |            |            |
  |-- Refresh request ---------------->|            |            |
  |                                    |            |            |
  |<----------- Refresh success resp --|            |            |
  |                                    |            |            |

                              Figure 2

Send Mechanism

TURN                                TURN           Peer          Peer
client                              server          A             B
  |                                   |             |             |
  |-- CreatePermission req (Peer A) ->|             |             |
  |<- CreatePermission success resp --|             |             |
  |                                   |             |             |
  |--- Send ind (Peer A)------------->|             |             |
  |                                   |=== data ===>|             |
  |                                   |             |             |
  |                                   |<== data ====|             |
  |<------------- Data ind (Peer A) --|             |             |
  |                                   |             |             |
  |                                   |             |             |
  |--- Send ind (Peer B)------------->|             |             |
  |                                   | dropped     |             |
  |                                   |             |             |
  |                                   |<== data ==================|
  |                           dropped |             |             |
  |                                   |             |             |

                               Figure 3


TURN                                TURN           Peer          Peer
client                              server          A             B
  |                                   |             |             |
  |-- ChannelBind req --------------->|             |             |
  | (Peer A to 0x4001)                |             |             |
  |                                   |             |             |
  |<---------- ChannelBind succ resp -|             |             |
  |                                   |             |             |
  |-- (0x4001) data ----------------->|             |             |
  |                                   |=== data ===>|             |
  |                                   |             |             |
  |                                   |<== data ====|             |
  |<------------------ (0x4001) data -|             |             |
  |                                   |             |             |
  |--- Send ind (Peer A)------------->|             |             |
  |                                   |=== data ===>|             |
  |                                   |             |             |
  |                                   |<== data ====|             |
  |<------------------ (0x4001) data -|             |             |
  |                                   |             |             |

                               Figure 4

TURN specs

STUN specs

  • RFC 3489 - “classic” STUN

  • RFC 5389 - base “new” STUN specs

  • RFC 5769 - test vectors for STUN protocol testing

  • RFC 5780 - NAT behavior discovery support

  • RFC 7443 - ALPN support for STUN & TURN

  • RFC 7635 - oAuth third-party TURN/STUN authorization

client-to-TURN-server protocols

Supported relay protocols

UDP (per RFC 5766) TCP (per RFC 6062)