WebRTC Tutorial


WebRTC Learn Path


Walter Fan


WIP as draft



Target readers

Front-end or back-end engineers who is interested in webrtc technology,


  • Each knowledge point has a corresponding example

  • Start with theory and end with practice

  • Extracted some commonly used methods and patterns in the industry

Problems to be solved

  • The WebRTC technology stack is both deep and broad. In order not to get lost , a learning path is needed.

  • The client-side standards are relatively substantial, while the server-side standards are relatively poor.

  • There is a lack of some standard or easy-to-use models and methods, we need to reduce the learning curve and entry threshold

  • There are some valuable new technologies that have not yet been promoted and need to be explored


  • WebRTC gets started quickly from shallow to deep

  • Combined with existing protocols and practices, some common patterns and best practices are summarized

  • An in-depth look at quality control techniques including congestion control, packet recovery, etc.

  • Rich diagram, chart and examples