WebRTC Learning Path


WebRTC Learn Path


Walter Fan


WIP as draft



Learn WebRTC in one month

Looks like an Impossible Mission, but we can do that on elementary level.

  • Week 1: basic

  • Week 2: transport

  • Week 3: media process

  • Week 4: media resilience

Week 1

  1. Learn WebRTC basic concepts and specs

  2. Learn Media Capture and Screen Sharing

  3. Media Recording and transimission

  4. Audio API and worklet

  5. Video API and Canvas

  6. WebRTC Session Establishment

  7. Write an example of P2P call

Week 2

  1. RTP and Extension

  2. RTCP and Extension

  3. SDP and Offer/Answer model

  4. Do testing and capture/analyze packets by tcpdump/wireshark

  5. Learn DTLS and SRTP

  6. SCTP and Data channel

  7. ICE, STUN and TURN

Week 3

  1. Audio Basic

  2. Audio Codec

  3. Audio pipeline

  4. Video Basic

  5. Video Codec

  6. Video pipeline

  7. Insertable stream and web codec

Week 4

  1. Multi stream and simulcast

  2. Congestion control methods

  3. Feedback and retransmission: NACK, PLI and FIR

  4. Packet recovery: FEC

  5. Packet recovery: RTX and RED

  6. Try Gstreamer and some plugings

  7. build libwebrtc and its sample, do some testing