Read book as SQ3R
Posted on Mon 02 March 2015 in Memo
It's all a trade-off
old year review
new year plan
goal: * book, site and application
long term
short term
- Type is not destiny
- time cannot be created or destoryed, only allocated
PIP(Pragmatic Invest Plan)
Make Detailed Plan
- Next action
- Weeklu goal
- Monthly goal
- Yearly goal
Current Invest Area * English *
New Invest Area: * WebRTC * NodeJS
Reference book: The Adult Leaner: a neglected species
SQ3R reading methods:
- Suvery: 快速翻阅, 得出总体印象
- Question: 记录所有问题
- Read: 阅读全部内容
- Recite: 总结, 做笔记, 用自己的话来描述
- Review: 重读, 扩展笔记, 与同事讨论