Linux Performance tools


Linux Performance tools


Walter Fan






A miscellaneous collection of in-development and unsupported performance analysis tools for Linux ftrace and perf_events

(aka the “perf” command). Both ftrace and perf are core Linux tracing tools, included in the kernel source.


Using ftrace

  • iosnoop: trace disk I/O with details including latency

  • iolatency: summarize disk I/O latency as a histogram

  • execsnoop: trace process exec() with command line argument details

  • opensnoop: trace open() syscalls showing filenames

  • killsnoop: trace kill() signals showing process and signal details

  • fs/cachestat: basic cache hit/miss statistics for the Linux page cache

  • net/tcpretrans: show TCP retransmits, with address and other details

  • system/tpoint: trace a given tracepoint

  • kernel/funccount: count kernel function calls, matching a string with wildcards

  • kernel/functrace: trace kernel function calls, matching a string with wildcards

  • kernel/funcslower: trace kernel functions slower than a threshold

  • kernel/funcgraph: trace a graph of kernel function calls, showing children and times

  • kernel/kprobe: dynamically trace a kernel function call or its return, with variables

  • user/uprobe: dynamically trace a user-level function call or its return, with variables

  • tools/reset-ftrace: reset ftrace state if needed

Using perf_events

  • misc/perf-stat-hist: power-of aggregations for tracepoint variables

  • syscount: count syscalls by syscall or process

  • disk/bitesize: histogram summary of disk I/O size

Using eBPF

As a preview of things to come, see the bcc tracing Tools section. These use bcc, a front end for using eBPF. bcc+eBPF will allow some of these tools to be rewritten and improved, and additional tools to be created.
